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Stop using AML tools to fight payment fraud.

Merchants decline up to 20% of transactions by using AML tools like KYC beyond the strictly necessary regulation, in hope that it will contribute to reducing payment fraud. This is a myth. All it does is significantly increase false positives

Let’s look at what you stand to lose when you use the wrong tools...

KYC is costly
in crypto.

In reality, KYC is often only required for a percentage of transactions. Meanwhile, 98% of declined transactions are false positives, 65% of which are attributed to new users.

When it costs seven times more to acquire a new customer than it does to retain an existing one, it begs the question...what is KYC costing you?

Streamline your
fiat-to-crypto onramp.

Optimize user experience with nSure.ai’s best-in-class payment fraud protection solutions and using KYC only when required to streamline your fiat-to-crypto onramp, accept more transactions, and retain more users.

Payment Fraud Prevention Must-Haves

Superior Accuracy
nSure.ai’s provides a dedicated model for each customer, training payment fraud on your data, and uses Adaptive AI to provide the highest level of accuracy in the industry.

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Payment Fraud Decisions in Under Half a Second
Analyze thousands of data points to return fraud decisions in a fraction of a second.

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Certainty scores aren’t enough. nSure.ai’s payment fraud prevention solution analyzes hundreds of thousands of data points to return full payment fraud decisions in 500 ms or less.

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Industry-Proven Insights
nSure.ai’s payment fraud prevention solutions are sculpted by industry veterans with first-hand experience facing the unique challenges merchants encounter every day.

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Guaranteed Net Incremental Profit
Payment fraud prevention solutions from nSure.ai deliver a guaranteed net incremental profit to our growing network of clients.

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100% Liability for Chargeback Costs
nSure.ai takes 100% liability for all fraud- and service-related chargebacks.

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24/7 White Glove Support and Guidance
Our fraud prevention experts work hand-in-hand with your team to provide technical support and guide your various payment fraud strategies for each of your segments.

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Dedicated API and SDK
nSure.ai delivers to each customer a dedicated API documentation based on your very specific purchase flow, that allows you to deploy in 15 days.

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Don't Lose Customers to KYC
KYC is not an anti-fraud tool. Reduce customer verification to only what's required for AML compliance and claw back those conversions.

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Turn Payment Fraud Into a Profit Center

Book a call with our team to find out how nSure.ai can deliver net incremental profit for your business with zero risk. It’s that simple.

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